Folding@Home A Brief Pause

Nick Name

USA team member
Yesterday I had a lengthy power outage that knocked everything offline. I have battery backups but not large enough to handle 5+ hours, even without any compute load. I'm having problems with the FAHClient app on the 2080 Ti machine. It runs but I can't connect any FAHcontrol app to it, so it's using every GPU plus every CPU thread. I had this problem before but I don't remember how I fixed it. I'll work on it this weekend.


Well-Known Member
USA team member
Several times I've spent days solving crunching problems. Several months after each eureka, it's back again and I commence reinventing the wheel. :cautious:

Nick Name

USA team member
I thought I had replied to this before but apparently not. I'm back in the saddle. Removing and reinstalling the client and controller fixed things. I was prepared to upgrade the OS but thankfully didn't have to take that step. (y)

Nick Name

USA team member
This happened again last week but thankfully I didn't have the client problems I had before. My main rig was offline for a couple days before I could get it back up though so production took a bit of a hit.