DBN Upper Bound


USA team member
DBN Upper Bound

Project URL - http://anthgrid.com/dbnupperbound/

Team URL - http://anthgrid.com/dbnupperbound/team_display.php?teamid=67

From the projects homepage...

DBN Upper Bound is a Polymath project related to the theory of the Riemann zeta function, based at this Polymath wiki. For the background, theory and discussion on results, please head to the proposal and subsequent threads on Prof. Tao's blog. The computational part of the research is being hosted at this github project.

This Boinc project now plans to scale up the computations, and achieve tighter conditional bounds, using Internet-connected computers. You can contribute to the research by running a free program on your computer.

For a visual understanding with cool graphics and a summary of the results achieved, please check this visual guide created by Rudolph, who has also written the Arb scripts used for the scaled up computations