My first work unit had reached about 5% when I rebooted my computer. Since I have come back, GPU work units fail. Troubleshooting...and my attempted repairs really got bad. I will reinstall another day when I want to isolate all day. If you see the error of my ways below, I'd appreciate your comments.
These comments are limited to installation of AMDGPU-PRO drivers on Ubuntu 18.04.
a. How-To Install/Uninstall AMD Radeon™ Software AMDGPU-PRO Driver for Linux® on an Ubuntu System
b. Radeon™ Software for Linux® 18.20 Release Notes
c. Radeon Software for Linux Installation
1. Before starting the installation, I followed the steps listed for installation of AMDGPU-PRO for Ubuntu 16.10 in reference (a) to ensure that the system is up-to-date before installing. In terminal,
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo reboot
2. I did not follow all of the steps as written in the Release Notes, reference b, but I followed the sequence of events.
3. From reference (b), Download Radeon™ Software for Linux® version 18.20 for Ubuntu 18.04 to the Downloads folder.
4. Navigate to the Downloads folder, and right-click on amdgpu-pro-18.20-673703-ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz and select “Extract here.” The extracted folder is amdgpu-pro-18.20-673703-ubuntu-18.04.
5. Open folder amdgpu-pro-18.20-673703-ubuntu-18.04 and right-click in an open space (not on a file). Select “Open in terminal.”
6. NOTE: The entry "–headless" in the next step does not mean that we are running a headless computer (no monitor). It means “only OpenCL support.” Without that entry, you will not get beyond the Ubuntu login screen, if that far, when you reboot.
7. From reference (c )and Nick Name, I learned that I need to enter the following in the open terminal window. You can copy and enter it to terminal by right-clicking and pasting on the terminal cursor (control V will not work). This code is only good for PRE-Vega 10 video cards such as mine. You can see the code for other cards in reference (c).
Press enter and the amdgpu-pro drivers will be installed.
8. In terminal, type "reboot" without quotation maks and press enter.
9. Your computer should boot to the login screen. Enter your password before celebrating. If it hangs before getting there or if it reverts back to the login screen after you enter your password, you do not have to reinstall Ubuntu as I have done in the past. You can press keys Ctrl, Alt, F1 or F2 or F3 to get to a login where you enter your username and it prompts for your password. That puts you in a terminal where you can uninstall your borked installation by entering
Now try again and good luck!
These comments are limited to installation of AMDGPU-PRO drivers on Ubuntu 18.04.
a. How-To Install/Uninstall AMD Radeon™ Software AMDGPU-PRO Driver for Linux® on an Ubuntu System
b. Radeon™ Software for Linux® 18.20 Release Notes
c. Radeon Software for Linux Installation
1. Before starting the installation, I followed the steps listed for installation of AMDGPU-PRO for Ubuntu 16.10 in reference (a) to ensure that the system is up-to-date before installing. In terminal,
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo reboot
2. I did not follow all of the steps as written in the Release Notes, reference b, but I followed the sequence of events.
3. From reference (b), Download Radeon™ Software for Linux® version 18.20 for Ubuntu 18.04 to the Downloads folder.
4. Navigate to the Downloads folder, and right-click on amdgpu-pro-18.20-673703-ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz and select “Extract here.” The extracted folder is amdgpu-pro-18.20-673703-ubuntu-18.04.
5. Open folder amdgpu-pro-18.20-673703-ubuntu-18.04 and right-click in an open space (not on a file). Select “Open in terminal.”
6. NOTE: The entry "–headless" in the next step does not mean that we are running a headless computer (no monitor). It means “only OpenCL support.” Without that entry, you will not get beyond the Ubuntu login screen, if that far, when you reboot.
7. From reference (c )and Nick Name, I learned that I need to enter the following in the open terminal window. You can copy and enter it to terminal by right-clicking and pasting on the terminal cursor (control V will not work). This code is only good for PRE-Vega 10 video cards such as mine. You can see the code for other cards in reference (c).
amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=legacy,pal --headless
8. In terminal, type "reboot" without quotation maks and press enter.
9. Your computer should boot to the login screen. Enter your password before celebrating. If it hangs before getting there or if it reverts back to the login screen after you enter your password, you do not have to reinstall Ubuntu as I have done in the past. You can press keys Ctrl, Alt, F1 or F2 or F3 to get to a login where you enter your username and it prompts for your password. That puts you in a terminal where you can uninstall your borked installation by entering
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