Hello All


New Member
USA team member
Hello everybody.

I have a FreeNAS server at home that functions primarily as a media server. I dedicate part of the server resources to BOINC; it was fun to setup, learn more about the BOINC projects, and was an excuse to learn more about FreeBSD.

I currently only participate in the NFS@Home project. Couldn't figure out SETI on FreeBSD :(

Nick Name

USA team member
Welcome to the team and forum! We may have some other teammates running FreeBSD but you're the first I can recall mentioning it publicly. There aren't all that many projects with a native FreeBSD app available, but there are some. Check out the project list if you're looking for others. :D
SETI is on hiatus right now anyway and there won't be any new work for awhile, if ever.