Humor me...I talk to myself


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Today I am running Pop!_OS. If it had FreeCell HD and Solitaire HD, I'd seldom use Windows 11.

I know what you mean about command line hell! I'll leave Clear Linux to the developers.

Jason Jung

Well-Known Member
USA team member
I always thought Clear Linux was mainly for Intel developers and to show off what their processors can do if properly optimized.


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Pop!_OS is good for your daily driver. Clear Linux is for all-out points (and more advanced Linux users) because it is reportedly 5-15% faster than other Linux distributions depending on the application. I loved the look and feel of MX Linux, but it is slower than Windows. You can compare the benchmarks of four operating systems at Rosetta at this link. Look at the Details for each to see the benchmarks. If you know a project doing integer calculations, MX Linux's 107706.2 million ops/sec is unreal on my Intel i9-10850K at 5GHz. The MX Linux computer's name is z590vester. The Windows 11 Pro installation is ANewFreedom.
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I have an unexpected bonus when running MX Linux vs Windows 11: Power consumption is 50% less with MX Linux. Both indicate 100% load but Windows consumes ~335 Watts compared to MX Linux at ~167 Watts. Production is nearly the same with a slight edge for MX Linux. The Intel i9-10850K is running at 5 GHz. I haven't compared Pop!_OS.

Nick Name

USA team member
Are you measuring that at the wall? Is it the same work running? Linux is more efficient but I wouldn't expect it to be that much more efficient.


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I am measuring total power consumption of the computer at the APC BackUPS 1500. Both measurements were taken when running Rosetta@Home. I still haven't compared Pop!_OS. I will try it after I finish work in queue on MX Linux about 34 hours from now.


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Pop!_OS runs Rosetta@Home at ~370 Watts. I can't explain the difference, but is is real and repeatable. MX Linux consumes less power on the same computer at the same CPU speed, 5 GHz.


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I will be without power today while the power meter's socket on the house is replaced. This is a long story.

It began when my brother, a retired electrician, painted the interior of my home. (I cannot get on my knees or a ladder anymore.) Some of the electrical sockets and switches had been painted in the past, so I decided to replace them. James, my brother, had is outlet tester and he tested the first outlet. The ground of the socket was ground. After looking at the existing ground to the meter, I decided to install two 8 ft ground rods and replace the existing 6 gauge ground wire, which had four saddle-clamped splices in a 14 inch span, with a heftier 4 gauge wire.

When we were ready to connect the new wire into the meter socket, I called the electric company and the transformer was taken off the line. Upon removing the set screw that clamps the ground wire to the meter socket, I found that the hole in the socket was stripped. No wonder! The aluminum socket had a thin casting. It was so thin that I would not consider tapping and installing a larger diameter set screw. I connected the copper ground wire under an aluminum ground wire saddle. Shhh....I didn't want to be without power. I decided that a new meter socket would be necessary.

I contacted a licensed electrician because the replacement of the meter base requires coordination of the electric company and the county's electrical inspector. My brother and I are slow (81 and 73) and I want to finish this work in one day. We feared running into something simple requiring additional parts or tools. My home is not close to town.

The work is being done today and I'm kissing $2000 good-bye. However, I won't have another TV and refrigerator wiped out by a nearby lightning strike as I did a few years ago.

Oh! The real problem was a missing ground wire (edit) from the neutral bar to the ground connection in the breaker box.

Edit: Power was off about six hours.

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It was hot today and I have put BOINC on hold. I cannot afford to heat and cool the house at the same time.


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This week I installed a new booster pump for our pool after great effort. I've decided that my problem is not my age (81). My problem is a lack of exercise and an excess of fat!

The bullfrogs and tree frogs were competing last evening, and they were really loud. I am still listening for the cicadas that are expected.


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I have uninstalled BOINC. My power company is already getting too much of my money, and they are changing to ratchet and demand billing! It was a good run of distributed computing that began in January of 2002.

Nick Name

USA team member
Nothing lasts forever and I can see why the pool would be a higher priority. :LOL: We're not on that type of billing here....yet. I still primarily crunch at night though when demand is less. The dehumidifiers and air really suck the juice.


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