WCG restart delayed...until...13May 2023

Nick Name

USA team member
On a side note, anyone else find the number of WCG users complaining about having their computers on with no work a bit absurd? Either turn them off or load up another project!
This 100%. I haven't been active on the forums there for a long time but this used to be a common theme at GPUGrid as well, where outages were frequent and lengthy. I always thought it was silly. On the flip side there you also had people with underpowered machines asking for deadlines to be extended so they could participate. At the time the work units were iterative, meaning they needed WUs back as quickly as possible because new WUs were created based on the results from WUs coming back. Essentially they wanted the project to slow down processing - completely ridiculous.

Jason Jung

Well-Known Member
USA team member
March 27, 2023 update

Data transfer to new storage system
We have started transferring all data from the recovery storage unit to our new storage system on Friday. Based on the current rate of transfer, we expect to have all data transferred/verified later this week. We will then download all processed WUs, after which we can resume sending work units to volunteers. We plan to start with MCM and OPN/OPNG; followed by ARP and then the new SCC work units.

In the meantime, we have confirmed that our daily database backups for BOINC and for the website/forums are working. The databases have been recovered and transferred to the new, faster storage already. Incremental backup to tape archive has been implemented on the new storage.


Jason Jung

Well-Known Member
USA team member
Thank you for your patience.

Unfortunately - the recovery ran into additional HDD failures. With the help of the data center we had to rebuild the drive onto a hot spare. This is now complete and the transfer of /science is about to resume. We managed to get 20 out of 36TB moved to the new storage already.

In the meantime, we reworked the back-end that was causing some devices not being recognized.

thank you



Well-Known Member
USA team member
I would report that WCG is running again but everyone knows it is April Fool's Day.

Sat 01 Apr 2023 03:16:29 PM EDT | World Community Grid | Server error: feeder not running


Well-Known Member
USA team member
WCG isn't doing so well for a project that has "restarted." Global CPU hours are down by 50% in the past six months. We are still waiting for GPU tasks, and currently there is a shortage of ARP tasks.

I believe I am a typical cruncher. I'm not going to run WCG until there is a supply of GPU tasks. Splitting work between different projects to do CPU and GPU work has not been fun, and I prefer a project such as Einstein@Home because it utilizes all of my system. Folding@home is OK but it does some quirky things on Linux after restarts such as "losing" my GPUs. I find Folding@home boring but is a good stress test project for a computer.