New profile posts

46! spam accounts waiting today. Most were from Russia with a couple from Dubai thrown in. Things should settle down shortly.
Nick Name
Things seem to have settled down for the time being. Let me know if you see anything out of whack or have any problems!
Nick Name
Still seeing spammy registrations but at a much slower pace. Not sure what prompted this unwelcome attention but glad things have slowed down!
Welcome to the forum! :)
Paul Hodges
Paul Hodges
Well, thank you very much. I have a vague memory of when Team USA was new-ish back in the 2007 time frame. Sorry I never joined then -- but here I am now!
Nick Name
Great to have you with us even if it took a few years. :D What projects are you crunching?
As cooler weather comes I'll be firing up more crunchers focusing on Primegrid unless the team musters towards something.